
Demystifying LocalStorage in Angular: A Beginner's Guide

Have you ever wished to keep some information handy, like a sticky note, even after closing and reopening a webpage? That's where LocalStorage comes to the rescue! In this beginner-friendly blog post, we'll unravel the magic of LocalStorage, making it easy for you to understand and use it in your Angular applications.

Understanding LocalStorage:

Imagine LocalStorage as a digital backpack that your web browser carries for you. It's a built-in feature that lets web developers store small pieces of information on your device. The cool part? Even if you refresh the webpage or close the browser, the stored data stays put until you decide to change it.

How to Use LocalStorage in Angular:

Let's break down the basics with some simple code snippets.

Reading Data from LocalStorage:

Imagine you have a list of users in your Angular app. Here's how you can read that list from LocalStorage:

    • // Retrieve user data from LocalStorage during component initialization ngOnInit(): void { let data = localStorage.getItem('userList'); this.userList = JSON.parse(data || '[]'); // Default to an empty array if no data console.log('userList', this.userList); }

Explanation: The getItem method fetches data from LocalStorage. In this case, it's the user list. We use JSON.parse to convert the stored string back into a usable array.

Storing and Updating Data in LocalStorage:

Now, let's see how to save or update data in LocalStorage. Suppose you want to save a new user to the list:

    • // Method to handle user submission submit() { console.log(this.userForm.value); // Add the current form values to userList and store in LocalStorage this.userList.push(this.userForm.value); localStorage.setItem('userList', JSON.stringify(this.userList)); // Clear the form this.clear(); }

Explanation: In the submit method, we push the new user data into the existing list, then store the updated list in LocalStorage using setItem. The data is converted to a string with JSON.stringify to make it LocalStorage-friendly.

Clearing Data from LocalStorage

And what if you want to clear all user data? Easy!

    • // Method to reset the form clear() { this.userForm.reset(); localStorage.removeItem('userList'); // Clears user data from LocalStorage }

Explanation: The removeItem method removes the entire user list from LocalStorage when you clear the form.

Understanding JSON.Parse and JSON.Stringify:

JSON.Parse: When data is retrieved from LocalStorage, it comes back as a string. JSON.parse is like a translator that converts this string back into its original format, such as an array or object. In our example, it transforms the stored string into a usable array.

      let data = localStorage.getItem('userList'); this.userList = JSON.parse(data || '[]'); // JSON.parse converts the string to an array

JSON.Stringify: Before storing data in LocalStorage, it needs to be in the form of a string. JSON.stringify plays the role of a stringifier, converting arrays or objects into strings.

    • localStorage.setItem('userList', JSON.stringify(this.userList)); // Converts the array to a string

Real-Life Example: Managing Users in Angular

Imagine you're building a simple Angular app to manage users. Here's a concise code snippet for better clarity:

    • // Component Code export class UserComponent implements OnInit { userList: any[] = []; userForm: FormGroup; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) { this.userForm = this.formBuilder.group({ name: [''], email: [''], }); } ngOnInit(): void { this.loadUserList(); } submit(): void { this.userList.push(this.userForm.value); this.updateLocalStorage(); this.clearForm(); } clear(): void { this.userForm.reset(); localStorage.removeItem('userList'); } private loadUserList(): void { const data = localStorage.getItem('userList'); this.userList = JSON.parse(data || '[]'); } private updateLocalStorage(): void { localStorage.setItem('userList', JSON.stringify(this.userList)); } private clearForm(): void { this.userForm.reset(); } }

Q&A Section:

Q1: What's the difference between LocalStorage and sessionStorage? A1: LocalStorage keeps data until you manually remove it or clear browser data. sessionStorage, on the other hand, clears data when you close the browser.

Q2: Can I store complicated things like pictures or videos in LocalStorage? A2: It's best for small bits of data, like text or numbers. For bigger things like pictures, a server is usually a better place.

Q3: Is it safe to store passwords in LocalStorage? A3: No, avoid storing sensitive info like passwords in LocalStorage. Use proper server-side storage with encryption for that.


In a nutshell, LocalStorage is your digital notepad in the web browser—keeping your notes (data) safe and accessible. Armed with the basics, you can now use LocalStorage in your Angular applications to create a smoother user experience. Remember, it's like magic for persisting data! Happy coding!
