All about Angular

Angular: A Comprehensive Guide 

  • Angular is an open-source, JavaScript framework written in TypeScript. 
  • Google maintains it, and its primary purpose is to develop single-page applications.
  • As a framework, angular has clear advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers to work with.
  • Explore the official documentation for more details. click here 
Basics of angular :
  • To use the Angular framework, you should be familiar with the following:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript 
  • Knowledge of TypeScript is helpful, but not required.
  • To install Angular on your local system, you need the following:
    • Node.js
    • npm package manager

Get Started with Angular :
  •     Step 1: node.js installation 
    • simply click here 
    • Then you will see the following page

    • Then click on :

    • And your download is started 
  • Step 2: Angular CLI installation 
    • Press the button windows + R
    • Then type cmd and press Enter
    • Then write npm install -g @angular/cli
    • Wait for Angular CLI Installation
      • You can use the Angular CLI to
        • Create projects
        • Generate application
        • Library code
      • perform various ongoing development tasks such as
        • Testing
        • Bundling
        • Deployment.
Lets learn Angular step by step :

1.Folder Structure :  First and foremost, let's delve into the folder structure of Angular. To learn about Angular's folder structure and best practices, you can click here.

2.Variables: Variables are fundamental containers used to store data of diverse types, including strings, booleans, numbers, and more. learn more

Arrays []: Arrays represent a specialized data type capable of orderly storing multiple values of different data types, thanks to a unique syntax. learn more

4.Lists of Arrays: For more advanced data management, arrays can be organized into lists. This approach provides an efficient means to handle and manipulate structured data collections. Lists of arrays are a powerful tool for dealing with complex and organized data sets in programming.
learn more

5.Objects {}:An object is like a container that holds different pieces of information. Think of it like a box with labels on each section. These labels (keys) help us find and use the specific information (values) we want from the box. The information can be simple (like a number or word), or it can be more complex, like a set of instructions (function) or a bunch of other containers (array).

In programming, objects are handy because they help us keep things organized and make it easy to work with data. They are used in many programming languages. learn more

6.Interpolation {{ }} :
Interpolation refers to embedding expressions into marked-up text ie when we want to share the data from .ts file to .html we can use Interpolation. learn more

7.Dynamic Binding: Dynamic binding, also known as one-way binding or interpolation, involves utilizing interpolation to establish a connection between the data in app.component.ts and the corresponding display in app.component.html. This mechanism allows for seamless updating and synchronization of data between the application's logic and its presentation layer.learn more

8.Two way Binding: In coding terms, two-way binding in Angular is like having a live connection between your user interface and your code. If something changes on the webpage, it automatically updates the data in your program, and if your program data changes, it instantly reflects in what the user sees. It's like a dynamic link that keeps everything in sync without you having to write a bunch of extra code. learn more

9.*ngIf: It stands for "Angular If." It's a structural directive in Angular that is used to conditionally render or remove an element from the DOM (Document Object Model) based on the truthiness of an expression.You can use ngIf with various types of conditions, such as boolean expressions, variables, or methods that return a boolean value. It's a powerful tool for controlling the visibility of elements in your Angular templates based on certain conditions. To explore more by click Learn More

10.*ngFor : *ngFor in Angular is your go-to for seamless array iteration. Master its concise syntax, witness real-world applications in live dashboards, and unleash the power of indexing for dynamic styling. Elevate your Angular development with this brief yet comprehensive guide to *ngFor. Learn More

11.[disabled] : The [disabled] attribute in Angular serves as a dynamic gatekeeper, allowing developers to control the visibility and interaction of elements based on specific conditions. By linking it to variables or functions, developers can effortlessly disable or enable buttons, forms, or other elements, providing users with intuitive feedback and enhancing the overall user experience. This concise attribute proves invaluable in creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces in Angular applications. Learn more

12.Angular CLI commands : Angular CLI commands are the developer's Swiss army knife, simplifying various tasks in Angular application development. From creating reusable components with ng generate component to running a live development server using ng serve, and adding third-party packages effortlessly with ng add, these commands streamline the development process. Additionally, commands like ng build, ng lint, and ng test ensure code quality and reliable deployment. Mastering these commands is fundamental for Angular developers, providing efficiency and confidence in crafting robust applications. Learn more

13. Modals : Modals in Angular are like handy pop-up windows that show up on your screen. They're great for things like filling out forms or getting your attention for important messages. With ngx-bootstrap, it's easy to use them and make your website more interactive and user-friendly. They can be changed to look how you want and are a cool way to make your website more interesting! Learn more asd

14. Flow in Angular : Navigation flow involves key components like angular.json for project settings, main.ts as the starting point, and app.module.ts for defining routes. The root component in app.component.ts uses <router-outlet> in index.html to determine where content is displayed. This simplified flow is akin to following a clear path in your Angular app, ensuring smooth navigation and a user-friendly experience. Understanding these basics is essential for developers aiming to leverage Angular's capabilities for building interactive web applications. learn more

15. Routing: Routing is like giving directions to your web app. It helps users move between different sections or pages while staying on the same webpage. You set up rules that say, "when the user goes to this URL, show them this part of the app." It keeps everything organized and makes your app feel like a seamless experience, even though it's technically just one page. learn more

16. Advanced routing:Dynamic content, guards for enhanced security, lazy loading for optimized performance, and resolvers for seamless data integration. Applying these concepts to a hypothetical e-commerce platform, we showcased their practical relevance. This concise overview empowers developers to utilize Angular's robust routing system effectively, ensuring the creation of secure, efficient, and user-centric web applications. learn more

17. Template-driven form:Template-driven forms in Angular are like creating forms with magic in your HTML. Instead of writing a lot of code, you put special markers in your form fields, and Angular takes care of the rest. It's great for simple things like contact forms or surveys on websites because you can set it up quickly without needing too much programming. It's like having a form fairy that understands what you want just by looking at your HTML. So, if you want a fast and easy way to make forms, template-driven forms are your go-to friends! learn more

18. Reactive form : Reactive forms in Angular are like smart forms that can adapt to changes. They follow a model-driven approach, making it easy to create, update, and validate form fields. Think of them as forms that can handle more complex tasks. In our example in the CRUD section, we showed how a reactive form can be used with localStorage. If you want to learn more about how these forms work learn more

19.LocalStorage :LocalStorage in Angular is like having a magical backpack for your web browser. It lets you store little notes (data) that stay with you even if you close the browser or refresh the page. Think of it as a digital sticky note that helps your Angular app remember things. You can read, write, and update these notes easily. For example, if you're managing a list of users in your app, LocalStorage ensures that the list stays put, ready for you to access it whenever you need. It's the web browser's way of helping you keep your important information close at hand. Cool, right? Happy coding! learn more

20.Validation : In Angular, validation for your forms is like having a helpful friend who makes sure you're entering information correctly. It's like a set of rules that say, "Your username should be at least this long," or "Make sure your email looks right." These rules help you avoid mistakes and give you quick messages if something is not quite right. Imagine it as a friendly guide making sure you fill out forms the right way. In a real example, think of signing up for a website—Angular's validation ensures you don't make mistakes with your username, email, or password. It's like a friendly helper making sure everything is in order. It's easy to start using, and it makes your forms more user-friendly. Give it a try! learn more 

21.CRUD Opration : In Angular, CRUD refers to a set of actions you can perform on data: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Imagine you have a list of items, like user information. Creating means adding a new user, Reading involves seeing the list, Updating allows you to change details like email or password, and Deleting removes a user from the list. In Angular, we use reactive forms to create a user-friendly interface where you can input and manage this information. The data can be stored and retrieved using local storage, providing a simple way to make changes and keep track of user details in a web application. learn more

22.Sweetalert2 :

  • Alerts: These are the pop-ups coming when we hit the button or perform some action
  • npm and ngx external library in angular which helps us to add pre-made components. 
  • sweetalert2: it is the platform where we get angular alerts. It is the ngx external library.
  • eg. for example click here

23. Parent and Child Communication / passing data from one page to another :In Angular, components can be thought of as family members. Imagine one component as the parent and another as the child. It's like family members passing messages to each other. The parent can share information with the child, and the child can respond back. This communication is vital for different parts of your application to work together seamlessly. It's like a conversation within a family, making Angular components effective in creating interactive and engaging user interfaces. Understanding this communication pattern is fundamental for building robust Angular applications. Happy coding! 
  1. For parent and child guid Click here
  2. For in depth guid  click here 

24.Mastering Angular API Integration : Welcome to the world of Angular API integration! This guide is your friend in decoding the secrets of APIs and making them work seamlessly with your Angular applications. From understanding the basics to mastering advanced concepts, like handling responses and potential errors, we've got you covered. Get ready to explore the power of APIs, and by the end of this guide, you'll be confidently incorporating external data into your Angular projects. Happy coding! learn more

25. Modules :Unlock the power of Angular Modules with this comprehensive guide! Modules, the building blocks of Angular, offer a structured and modular approach to code organization. They enhance clarity, maintainability, and reusability by encapsulating components and services. This guide covers the essentials of module creation, their role in organizing code, and a real-world application scenario. Additionally, it clarifies the distinction between modules and models. Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to harness the scalability and maintainability that Angular Modules bring to your projects. Happy coding! learn more 

26. Deploy Angular Project on github pages(host angular project on live server): 
  1. Step by step guid learn more 
  2. Video Guid learn more 
